Bismillah “DO NOT LOOK AWAY” Those where the haunting words every time I saw this activist (who’s now banned from Instagram) posted something on his IG. Because I know just how flinchingly horrific it will be. And the video below sums up why: Because we can shut our eyes from the gory scenes –they can’t. […]

Bismillah It has been a while. And I honestly missed writing. What has changed since I last wrote? Well, I have a baby to care now. (Baby has come out to see the World!) Was pregnant in the last post, and now baby is 6 months old. How time flies! And how much motherhood has […]

Bismillah Welcome to the temporary World little one,Welcome to this short life,This is not where we are meant to be in,We have the Hereafter to strive. This body, this breath is only a loanWhere we will have to be accountable later onSo take heed of every single action,And be sure to leave no sins around […]

Bismillah It has been a while. Truly. My writing may have gone a bit rusty, but here goes. * Have you ever came across something random, and upon a moment or two of reflection, it hits you with a deep realisation of something bigger…and perhaps meaningful? Well, that’s what happened to me recently. I was […]

Bismillah This Ramadhan is a training ground. A training ground to build grit and resilience. To instill gratefulness and patience. So that we come out of Ramadhan a more sturdy, well-armed and well-armoured servant of Allah, ready to face whatever battles and storms of the Dunya that loom ahead. Rayyan Islam

Bismillah Recently I was driving through one of the country’s busy road in the capital. This time though, whilst waiting for the lights to turn green, I sat behind the wheel of my car reflecting… That busy huge road, was once a mere tiny road, housing long snakes of cars, fuming with smokes from the […]

Bismillah He will break you to stop you from trudging that path that He sees will destroy you – and will mend you by rerouting you to a path you’d never imagine you’ll undertake. It only hurts because you kept looking at the old path. It only hurts because you couldn’t see where the current […]

Bismillah I pray may you be a little bit stronger, Today, tomorrow and what the days ahead have to offer, Life is long, in our eyes that understand little of the future held, But trust me, it is short enough in the Eyes of the One who doesn’t want us to fail it… One morning […]

Bismillah Would you be able to see when you are fully blindfolded in a sealed, and completely unlit, room? * I remembered one of the professional developments that I attended – it was focusing on getting to know the different types of visual impairment. To emphatise those who have lost their vision, we spent the […]

Bismillah Somewhere in a post drama play, a group of young actors gathered to recollect the fond memories of their recent act… Actor 1: Thank God, that’s over! Can’t believe we made it! Actor 2: Yeah! I almost screwed up though… Almost blundered the whole thing if it wasn’t for that tiny hint you gave […]

Si Penggembara

Letakkan Akhirat di depan, Dunia di belakang

Verse By Verse Qur'an Study Circle

Come Let's Study the Quran - We are following the Tafseer of Ibn Kathir

The Unspoken

Spread the Peace


Teacher. Blogger. Nerd. Youtuber.

Going to Jannah

“Setiap umatku akan masuk surga, kecuali orang-orang yang enggan untuk memasukinya..." (HR. Bukhari) 


Scattered thoughts of an old soul and a young heart

unbolt me

the literary asylum

NS Muslimah Collection

Glorifies Your Inner Beauty!

SouL SpeakS

He started Writing, The paper started speaking...

Natalie Breuer

Natalie. Writer. Photographer. Etc.

close the eyes and let your heart see

its not the eyes that are blind, but the heart .

A Soulscape.

An Africana in London...

convert ♥ confessions

Islam is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. ♥ Here's why...